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The Game Plan of

Social Media Advertising

Simply Targeting ads just doesn’t work anymore.
Tingkatkan sales brandmu hingga 3x lipat dalam waktu 6 bulan dengan 3-Phase Game Plan dari Bloomintell.
Schedule a Consultation


How Game Plan Works

Here's the game strategy for you:


Digital Growth Infrastructure

Kamu akan diajak untuk memetakan strategi yang akan menjadi fondasi membangun winning ads. Bloomintell menggunakan format Customer Value Mapping didampingi dengan integrasi data marketing funnel dari Meta hingga ke Landing Page dalam bentuk personalized dashboard yang memudahkan untuk mengambil keputusan berdasarkan data


Iterative Content Testing

Fase ini adalah tahap memproduksi hero content(s) yang membawa kamu mencapai target sales atau objektif lain yang menjadi fokus brand kamu. Bloomintell akan melakukan A/B testing dalam pengiklanan dengan Sistem Build-Measure-Learn Loop dengan variable testing yang direkam dalam Content Analytics Wiki — dimana kita dapat menemukan, bahkan menduplikasi kesuksesan hero content-mu.


Scaling Up Hero Content

Setelah fondasi dan hero content terbentuk, sekarang waktunya kita menumbuhkan sales dengan memaksimalkan performa dari ads brand kamu. Bloomintell akan mempersiapkan Analytics Report pada dashboardmu secara berkala untuk akan meningkatkan delivery & distribution ads pada platform Meta, sambil secara paralel melakukan iterasi dalam proses brand memproduksi hero contents.

The Game Plan Effect

Our game plan have been proven. Take a look at the numbers.


TBOD Sales in 6 month

Poppy's Dream


Catto Sales in 6 month

Grounds Studio


Total Sales in 12 month


Still In Need of Convincing?

Masih memiliki pertanyaan? Adakan 30 menit konsultasi dengan kami untuk memastikan Game Plan cocok untuk bisnis kamu.

Schedule a Consultation

Services You'll Get

Initial Account Setup

Getting you started from the basics

Landing Page Creation & Optimization

End-to-end landing page setup that works.

Content Consultation

Brainstorming session to generate winning, duplicable contents.

Content Analytics Wiki

Content performance tracking sheet based on variables testing we conduct.

Meta Advertising

Operate deliveries of content to designated platform

Analytics Report

Ads evaluation report for strategic discussions.

Personalized Dashboard

Simplified ads data crafted to your needs for performance visualization

Bloomintell Team

Take a look who’s behind the Game Plan team.

I think of content beyond it’s creative. It’s about numbers, pattern, and funneling. As a content creator, I grew 120K+ followers in 6 months with that mindset. Now lets scale up yours. We turn your hero-content, into sales.

I'm Panji

The Ads Geek, turned content creator.

  • Instagram
  • TikTok

Basically, your data guy. Meta ads can be super overwhelming, & you might have so many on plate already. My goal is to translate all data you need from end-to-end ads funneling to insights you can easily understand — to help you run your brand, even better

I’m Ghaza

A certified Google Project manager.

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does a Digital Marketing Growth Service entail?

A Digital Marketing Growth Service is a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing a company's online presence and increasing its reach. It involves a range of activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and data-driven analytics to drive targeted traffic and promote business growth.

What does a Digital Marketing Growth Service 2entail?

A Digital Marketing Growth Service is a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing a company's online presence and increasing its reach. It involves a range of activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and data-driven analytics to drive targeted traffic and promote business growth.

What does a Digital Marketing Growth Service entail?

A Digital Marketing Growth Service is a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing a company's online presence and increasing its reach. It involves a range of activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and data-driven analytics to drive targeted traffic and promote business growth.

What does a Digital Marketing Growth Service entail?

A Digital Marketing Growth Service is a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing a company's online presence and increasing its reach. It involves a range of activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and data-driven analytics to drive targeted traffic and promote business growth.

Adopt Our

Game Plan, Now

Tingkatkan sales brandmu hingga 3x lipat dalam waktu 6 bulan dengan 3-Phase Game Plan dari Bloomintell.

Schedule a Consultation
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